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2024-02-09 19:10:17
美[skɪnaɪnəs]  英[skɪnaɪnəs]
n.  皮质;皮一样的性质;消瘦


  1. the bodily property of lacking flesh


  1. His coach there, Juanjo Campos, noticed his skinniness and his cleverness and steered clear of stashing him under the basket. 他的教练JuanjoCampos在那里注意到了他的清瘦和他的聪明还有他在篮下进攻时清晰的思维。
  2. If that happened my skinniness would he a decided last-minute advantage.I went to bed with visions of a blue dress dancing in my head. 如果那发生在我皮包骨一样的身上就会是最后时刻才能决定的事。
  3. What is strikingly noticeable is the scholar’s exceptional skinniness, but it can be easily explained by the simple food, bottles of medicine, and poor working environment shown in the picture. 组图充分反映了当代烟草消费的规模、危害和趋势,是人们普遍关心的热点话题之一。
  4. What is strikingly noticeable is the scholars exceptional skinniness , but it can be easily explained by the simple food, bottles of medicine, and poor working environment shown in the picture. 值得我们注意的是这个学者格外削瘦,但这很容易通过图中简单的食物、药罐以及较差的工作环境得到解释。
  5. What is strikingly noticeable is the scholars exceptional skinniness, but it can be easily explained by the simple food, bottles of medicine, and poor working environment shown in the picture. 值得我们注意的是这个学者格外削瘦,但这很容易通过图中简单的食物、药罐以及较差的工作环境得到解释。
  6. Divide the skull into 3 regions: Region 1 is the boundary of hemisphere skinniness and medulla; 将颅脑分为三个区:1区指大脑半球皮髓质交界区;2区指大脑半球;