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2024-02-09 19:50:17
美[skʌlkə]  英[skʌlkə]
n.  偷偷隐躲起来的人;偷懒的人


  1. someone shirking their duty by feigning illness or incapacity
  2. someone waiting in concealment


  1. The burglar skulk behind the door when he hear someone talking. 当窃贼听到有人谈话时即躲在门后。
  2. Its a hard thing to skulk and starve in the heather. 躲在树林里的挨饿不是一件好受的事。
  3. Skulk: To lie in hiding, as out of cowardice or bad conscience; lurk. 偷偷摸摸:由于懦弱或坏心眼而躲躲闪闪;潜伏。
  4. I walked back to the car to pump the gas, trying not to slink or skulk. 我回到车旁去加油,尽量表现得堂堂正正。
  5. This spell is used frequently as people skulk about the castle or the Forbidden Forest. 这道魔咒经常被用于帮助那些在城堡或禁林中偷偷游逛的家伙。
  6. No, I wont call Mammy to help you and have you lock the door and skulk here like the coward you are. 我怕我去不成了。你去吧,瑞德,并且替我向媚兰表示歉意。"经过相当久的一番踌躇,他才慢吞吞地、尖刻地说起话来。