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2024-02-09 19:57:17
美[skʌtərʌdaɪt]  英[skʌtərʌdaɪt]
n.  [矿]方钴矿


  1. The Raman Spectra of Lanthanide Filled Skutterudite Crystals[J]. 引用该论文 李丽霞;刘宏;王继扬;徐丽;黄佶;李志峰.
  2. The author find that the cobalt in ore is in the form of indepent minerals,such as siegenite,cobaltite, skutterudite and Co-bearing pyrite etc. 矿石中钴呈独立矿物硫钴镍矿、辉钴矿、方钴矿和含钴黄铁矿等产出。
  3. The result indicates that the CeOs_4Sb_ 12 skutterudite is a Kondo insulator with a c-f interaction of 3.1 meV. The Debye temperature is determined as 317 K. 结果表明CeOs4Sb12中存在近藤相互作用;其作用强度为3·1meV;证实了CeOs4Sb12为近藤绝缘体.;中子测量得出CeOs4Sb12德拜温度为317K
  4. Key words: skutterudite compounds; 关键字: 方钴矿;
  5. Keywords skutterudite;thermoelectric material;FFL;low-dimensional; 方钴矿;热电材料;填充限度;低维;
  6. The Latest Development of Filled Skutterudite Thermoelectric Material 填充方钴矿类热电材料的研究进展