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2024-02-09 20:30:16
美[skaɪˌwɔːk]  英[skaɪwɔːk]
n.  <美>(在市区大楼之间建造的通常为封闭式的)人行天桥


  1. an elevated walkway between buildings (usually enclosed)


  1. The Skywalk is suspended 4,000 feet above the Colorado River. 它悬空于海拔4000尺之上。
  2. Walk straight on Zhong-Shan Road when you see a skywalk. 沿著中山路走直到你看到一座天桥。
  3. And you could also find it on Zhong-Shan Road when you see a skywalk. 或者,你也可以在中山路上找到它,当你看到一座天桥时。
  4. Just walk along the pathway under the skywalk and then you will get it. 只要沿著天桥下的小路走,你就可以找到了。
  5. Over 1 million lbs of steel were used in the construction of the Skywalk. 有超过一百万磅的钢铁将用于建造玻璃桥。大峡谷唯一的露天咖啡厅,让人可坐在峡谷边缘享受一杯可口的饮料。豪华餐厅与酒吧建凿在峡谷石壁之中。
  6. Even before its opening, Skywalk has been dubbed everything from inspired to blasphemous. 还没开幕,空中走廊就被冠上许多形容词,从“棒极了”到“亵渎造物主”等不一而足。