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2024-02-09 21:08:16
美[slæp]  英[slæp]
n.  侮辱;掴;拍击声
vt.  侮辱;拍击;惩罚;申斥
adv.  直接地;正面地;突然地
  名词:slapper  过去式:slapped  过去分词:slapped  现在分词:slapping  第三人称单数:slaps


  1. 拍打声,掌击声,击拍声
  2. 打击
  3. 掌击声
  4. 侮辱,责难
  5. 拍,打,刮,掴,掌击
  6. 一 巴掌,一拍,一记耳光
  7. 拒绝
  8. 【机】松动(声)
  9. 类似拍打的声音
  10. 拥抱亲吻
  11. 警告,轻微的惩罚
  1. 直接地
  2. 啪的一下
  3. 一直,径直
  4. 迎面,正面地
  5. <口>砰地,猛然地,突然地
  6. 正好,恰好,恰恰
  1. 掴,打,拍,拍击,拍打
  2. 啪地一声放下,啪的一声关上,拍打出声
  3. 随便地放置,漫不经心扔掉,随意扔放
  4. <英口>胡乱地涂,任意涂
  5. 侮辱,抨击,攻击,公开指责
  6. 任意对...罚款
  7. 掴…耳光,用手掌打,掌击
  8. <口>课,征
  9. <口>对…起诉,提出(诉讼)
  10. 训斥,申斥
  11. 强制实行
  12. 制止


  1. vt. & vi. 掌击; 拍打 strike quickly with the flat part of the hand
  2. vt. 制止; 镇压 force into silence or inactivity, especially rudely or unfairly, because of disapproval, annoyance, etc.
  1. [C] 掌击 blow with the palm of the hand or sth flat


  1. a blow from a flat object (as an open hand)
  2. the act of smacking something; a blow delivered with an open hand
  1. directly;

    "he ran bang into the pole" "ran slap into her"

  1. hit with something flat, like a paddle or the open hand;

    "The impatient teacher slapped the student" "a gunshot slapped him on the forehead"


  1. slap cruelly残忍地击打
  2. slap impatiently不耐烦地击打
  3. slap indignantly愤慨地制止
  4. slap smartly轻快地击打
  5. slap viciously恶意地镇压
  6. slap around连续猛击,粗暴〔苛刻〕地对待
  7. slap the play around把那个剧本批评得体无完肤
  8. slap down啪地摔下,申斥,制止
  9. slap on随意地穿〔戴〕上,把…胡乱涂上去
  10. slap together草率〔仓促〕地做,拼凑
  11. slap up仓促地做
  12. slap up a meal仓促做饭
  1. slap against拍打…
  2. slap at拍打…
  3. slap sb for disobedience因不听话而打某人
  4. slap sb in〔on〕 the face掴某人耳光,侮辱某人
  5. slap on用掌拍打,把…胡乱涂在…上
  6. slap the money on the counter将钱重重地扔在柜台上
  7. slap new restrictions on exporters对出口商强加新的限制
  8. slap sb on the wrist轻罚某人,斥责某人
  9. slap some paint onto the wall往墙上抹些涂料
  10. slap with用…拍打


  1. It is a slap in the fame to call me afat pig.叫我“胖猪”是对我的侮辱。
  2. It is a bit of a slap in the face when she refuseed to see me.她拒绝见我,这简直是侮辱我。
  3. He gave her a slap on the cheek and she began to cry.他打了她一耳光,她就哭起来了。
  4. He hit the water with a resounding slap.他啪的一声拍了一下水。
  5. We heard the slap and plunge of people in the water.我们听到人们的击水声和跳水声。
  1. You were slapping me just now.你刚才正在侮辱我。
  2. He slapped me on the back on my way home.在我回家的路上,他在我背上拍了一下。
  3. Slap on the wristA nominal or token punishment.名义上或象征性的惩罚。
  4. Convicted of perjury after offering almost no defense, he deserved a taste of prison, not the slap on the wrist he has received from a Federal judge.他应尝尝铁窗滋味,而非联邦法官给他聊备一格的惩罚。
  5. She tried to object, but the chairman slapped her down.她想表示反对意见,但主席喝止住了她。
  1. The thief ran slap into a policeman.那贼与警察撞了一个满怀。
  2. He hit the girl slap in the face.他啪的一声打了这个女孩一耳光。


    slap的基本意思是用掌或类似物突然猛烈地击打某人或某物,引申可表示“制止”“镇压”某人或某行动。 slap多用作及物动词,表示拍打某人身体的某处时,可直接接身体的某一部分作宾语,也可接“某人+on+the+表示身体某一部分的名词”结构。 slap有时也可用作不及物动词,常与介词against或at连用。 slap的过去式和过去分词均为slapped。