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2024-02-09 21:16:17
美[slæʃ]  英[slæʃ]
v.  猛砍;乱砍;鞭打;割伤;尖锐抨击;大幅减少
n.  猛砍;斜线;长切口;衣衩;撒尿;沼泽地
  名词:slasher  过去式:slashed  过去分词:slashed  现在分词:slashing  第三人称单数:slashes


  1. 乱斩,猛砍,乱砍,乱刺
  2. 鞭打
  3. 砍,劈,砍击,挥砍
  4. 割伤,砍伤,割破
  5. 挥,挥击
  6. 猛烈冲打
  7. 深深砍入,深深切进
  8. 割下,割开
  9. 严厉批评,猛烈抨击
  10. 猛进
  11. 猛飞
  12. 在(织物上)开裂缝
  13. 在(衣服上)开叉
  14. 大幅度削减,减低,减少,大大降低
  1. 叉口, 衣服上开的叉
  2. 长缝
  3. 大幅度的削减,减少
  4. <口>斜线
  5. 乱砍,乱斩
  6. 林中空地
  7. <美>沼泽低地
  8. 深砍,深切
  9. 刀痕,伤痕 ,鞭痕
  10. 枝桠
  11. 废材
  12. 长满灌木的洼地
  13. 减薪
  14. 斜线号(/)


  1. vt. & vi. 挥砍; 鞭打 make a cut or cuts in or at sth with sweeping strokes; strike with a whip
  2. vt. 严厉地批评〔谴责〕 criticize or condemn vigorously and outspokenly
  3. vt. & vi. 削减 cut or reduce


  1. a wound made by cutting;

    "he put a bandage over the cut"

  2. an open tract of land in a forest that is strewn with debris from logging (or fire or wind)
  3. a punctuation mark (/) used to separate related items of information
  4. a strong sweeping cut made with a sharp instrument
  1. cut with sweeping strokes; as with an ax or machete
  2. beat severely with a whip or rod;

    "The teacher often flogged the students" "The children were severely trounced"

  3. cut open;

    "she slashed her wrists"

  4. cut drastically;

    "Prices were slashed"

  5. move or stir about violently;

    "The feverish patient thrashed around in his bed"


  1. slash costs大幅度降低成本
  2. slash prices大幅度降价
  3. slash taxes削减税收
  1. slash conclusively令人信服地批评
  2. slash economically节约地削减
  3. slash energetically精力充沛地挥砍
  4. slash furiously狂怒地鞭打
  5. slash ruthlessly残忍地鞭打
  6. slash vindictively报复性地鞭打
  7. slash back用力截短,猛烈地回击
  1. slash against〔at〕猛〔抽〕打
  2. slash for就…严厉地批评〔谴责〕
  3. slash off把…从…砍下
  4. slash with用…划破


  1. We had to slash our way through the undergrowth with sticks.我们挥舞着木棍一路劈砍,才在密林里开出一条路,穿了过去。
  2. He is slashing wildly at his opponent with a sword.他正用剑疯狂地朝对手乱砍。
  3. Theyll break your horns and slash you with steel.他们会打破你的号角
  4. The blade slashed his leg open.刀刃把他的腿划破了。
  5. The government promises to slash taxes.政府许诺大幅减税。
  1. You can use a slash here.这儿你可以用斜线号。
  2. The knife made a slash across his leg.刀在他的腿上划出一道口子。
  3. Hes just nipped out to have a slash.他刚才急急忙忙跑出去撒了一泡尿。
  4. A slash is usually overgrown with bushes or trees.沼泽低地通常是灌木丛生或长满树木。


    slash的基本意思是“挥砍”或“鞭打”某物,引申可表示“严厉地批评〔谴责〕”某观点、政纲等,还可表示“消减”价格、税收、文字等。 slash多用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,还可接以形容词充当补足语的复合宾语。可用于被动结构。 slash有时也可用作不及物动词,常与介词against或at连用。