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2024-02-09 22:41:17
美[slɪk]  英[slɪk]
adj.  光滑的;顺利地;(指人)圆滑的
v.  使平滑
n.  海面浮油
  副词:slickly  比较级:slicker  最高级:slickest  名词:slickness  过去式:slicked  过去分词:slicked  现在分词:slicking  第三人称单数:slicks


  1. 顺利而有效的,不费力的 done smoothly and efficiently,apparently without effort
  2. 圆滑的,油滑的 clever,effective or able to persuade but often not honest
  3. 光滑的,滑溜的 smooth and slippery


  1. a slippery smoothness;

    "he could feel the slickness of the tiller"

  2. a magazine printed on good quality paper
  3. a film of oil or garbage floating on top of water
  4. a trowel used to make a surface slick
  1. made slick by e.g. ice or grease;

    "sidewalks slick with ice" "roads are slickest when rain has just started and hasnt had time to wash away the oil"

  2. having only superficial plausibility;

    "glib promises" "a slick commercial"

  3. having a smooth, gleaming surface reflecting light;

    "glossy auburn hair" "satiny gardenia petals" "sleek black fur" "silken eyelashes" "silky skin" "a silklike fabric" "slick seals and otters"

  4. marked by skill in deception;

    "cunning men often pass for wise" "deep political machinations" "a foxy scheme" "a slick evasive answer" "sly as a fox" "tricky Dick" "a wily old attorney"

  1. make slick or smooth
  2. give a smooth and glossy appearance;

    "slick ones hair"


  1. I advised them to watch out for slick spots on the sidewalk.我叫他们当心人行道上路滑的地方。
  2. The slick floor brought me down in a heavy fall.光滑的地板把我重重地摔了一跤。
  3. The hurricane carried away the roof as slick as a whistle.飓风把屋顶不费吹灰之力地刮掉了。
  4. I dont trust those slick salesmen.我不信任那些油嘴滑舌的推销员。
  5. My new boss is definitely a slick politician.我的新上司毫无疑问是个圆滑的玩弄权术者。
  1. He used to slick his hair everyday before school.他曾经每天在上学之前梳好头发。
  2. He said we must slick up our swords and guns, and get ready.他说我们得擦亮了刀枪,做好准备。
  1. There is a slick of oil on the water.水面上有一片浮油。
  2. The oil slick seriously threatens marine life around the islands.浮油严重威胁着岛屿周围的海洋生物。