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2024-02-09 22:44:17
美[slɪknəs]  英[slɪknəs]
n.  光滑;光滑性;光滑度


  1. verbal misrepresentation intended to take advantage of you in some way
  2. a kind of fluent easy superficiality;

    "the glibness of a high-pressure salesman"

  3. a slippery smoothness;

    "he could feel the slickness of the tiller"


  1. I dont like a slick style of writing. 我不喜欢华而不实的文体。
  2. I dont trust those slick salesmen. 我不信任那些油嘴滑舌的推销员。
  3. A falling stone hit him slick on the head. 一块落石正好击中他的头部。
  4. Her story appeared in a national slick. 她的故事登在一家全国性的通俗杂志上。
  5. There is a slick of oil on the water. 水面上有一片浮油。
  6. I advised them to watch out for slick spots on the sidewalk. 我叫他们当心人行道上路滑的地方。