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2024-02-09 23:01:17
美[slaɪmɪnɪs]  英[slaɪmɪnɪs]
n.  滑溜;粘性


  1. a property resembling or being covered with slime
  2. the quality of being disgusting to the senses or emotions;

    "the vileness of his language surprised us"


  1. Method: Eight sets of exercises prescriptions were designed to improve physical dexterity, strength, stamina, overall fitness, weight, sliminess, speed and flexibility, and administed to college students. 方法:通过制订以发展人体灵敏、力量、耐力、全面健康、增重、瘦身、速度及柔韧素质为主要内容的八套健身运动处方,并在大学课外活动中进行处方锻炼实验。
  2. Method:Eight sets of exercises prescriptions were designed to improve physical dexterity,strength,stamina,overall fitness,weight,sliminess,speed and flexibility,and administed to college students. 方法:通过制订以发展人体灵敏、力量、耐力、全面健康、增重、瘦身、速度及柔韧素质为主要内容的八套健身运动处方.并在大学课外活动中进行处方锻炼实验。
  3. Keywords belt conveyer;soft start up;velocity modulated hydraulic coupler;liquid sliminess soft start up;CST; 带式输送机;软启动;调速型偶合器;液体粘性软起动;CST;
  4. Keywords velocity modulated hydraulic coupler;liquid sliminess soft starter;CST;frequency conversion velocity modulation;silicon-controlled velocity modulation; 调速型液力偶合器;液体粘性软起动;CST;可控硅调压调速;变频调速技术;
  5. liquid sliminess soft starter 液体粘性软起动