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2024-02-10 00:11:17
美[slɑːt]  英[slɒt]
n.  狭缝;槽;投币口;时间段;职位;(鹿的)足迹
v.  插入;留细长的孔;放置
  过去式:slotted  过去分词:slotted  现在分词:slotting  第三人称单数:slots


  1. <美口>位置
  2. 狭缝,窄缝
  3. 足迹,踪迹,嗅迹
  4. <美口>职位
  5. 狭长孔,窄孔
  6. 投币口,自动售货机投钱口
  7. 【空】翼缝
  8. <口>自动贩卖机
  9. 吃角子老虎
  10. 【机】漕沟
  11. 门闩
  12. 条板
  1. 开槽(于),切槽
  2. 安排,安置
  3. 被放入狭长孔中,把...放入狭长孔中
  4. <美口>被纳入序列中,把…纳入其中
  5. 占有位置
  6. 被排入
  7. 跟踪,跟着足迹追赶
  8. 在…上开狭长的孔,打孔
  9. 有缝隙,开缝,使...出现裂缝
  10. 插削
  11. 为…安排时间
  12. 插入,塞进,装入
  13. 使有位置
  14. 投放
  15. 留细长的孔
  16. 放置
  17. 适用于


  1. [C] (机器或工具上的)狭缝,细长的小孔; 投币口 a long straight narrow opening or hollow place
  2. [C] 〈非正〉(在表册、系统等中所占的)位置,职位,空位 a place or position in a list, system, etc.
  3. [C] (电视、广播等的)时段,档 an assigned place and time in a sequence or schedule


  1. a position in a grammatical linguistic construction in which a variety of alternative units are interchangeable;

    "he developed a version of slot grammar"

  2. a small slit (as for inserting a coin or depositing mail);

    "he put a quarter in the slot"

  3. a time assigned on a schedule or agenda;

    "the TV program has a new time slot" "an aircraft landing slot"

  4. a position in a hierarchy or organization;

    "Bob Dylan occupied the top slot for several weeks" "she beat some tough competition for the number one slot"

  5. the trail of an animal (especially a deer);

    "he followed the deers slot over the soft turf to the edge of the trees"

  6. (computer) a socket in a microcomputer that will accept a plug-in circuit board;

    "the PC had three slots for additional memory"

  7. a slot machine that is used for gambling;

    "they spend hours and hours just playing the slots"

  1. assign a time slot;

    "slot a television program"


  1. job slot职位空缺


  1. She placed her card in a slot on the outside the bank.她在银行外面把她的卡片塞进一条窄缝。
  2. A cleaner slot is already reserved.清洗器插槽已被保留。
  3. He inserted a coin into the slot.他把硬币插入投币口。
  4. The best way to accomplish what on the list is to give each task a specific time slot.完成单子上的各项任务的最好方法是给每项工作留出一个专门的时间。
  5. My friend put me in a white-collar slot.我朋友使我从事一份白领工作。
  1. We can slot in the new entry in alphabetical order.我们可以按照字母顺序将新词条安插进去。
  2. Can we slot her into a job in the sale department?我们能把她安排在销售部工作吗?