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2024-02-10 00:22:17
美[slaʊ]  英[slaʊ]
n.  泥坑;沼泽;沮丧的情况;(蛇等)蜕皮
v.  蜕皮;摆脱
sp.  =sluff.
  形容词:sloughy  异体字:slew


  1. necrotic tissue; a mortified or gangrenous part or mass
  2. a hollow filled with mud
  3. a stagnant swamp (especially as part of a bayou)
  4. any outer covering that can be shed or cast off (such as the cast-off skin of a snake)
  1. cast off hair, skin, horn, or feathers;

    "our dog sheds every Spring"


  1. Simon fell Into a dirty slough.西蒙掉下来落在肮脏的泥沼里。
  2. The horses were stalled in a slough.马陷入泥沼中进退不得。
  3. He saved her from the slough of despond.他把她从绝望的深渊中拯救了出来。
  4. There is no hopeless situation that is insurmountable but people with a slough of despond.世上没有绝望的处境,只有对处境绝望的人。
  5. A man casts off his years, as the snake his slough.人们挣脱岁月的羁绊,如蛇蜕去它那羁绊自身的皮。
  1. Snakes slough off their skins once a year.蛇每年蜕皮一次。
  2. The cicada has to slough off its skin before it can fly.蝉在会飞以前必须蜕去皮。
  3. In a prolonged course, the hooves, horns and hair may slough.在病程长的病例中
  4. He managed to slough off his drinking habit.他终于戒掉了酗酒的习惯。
  5. He was not able to slough off the memories of the past.他无法忘记过去。