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2024-02-10 00:52:17
美[slʌdʒɪ]  英[slʌdʒɪ]
adj.  泥的;泥状的


  1. Pretty good sludgy swampy stoner stuff going on here man! 我们还没有关于此艺术家的介绍,想帮忙吗?
  2. Total has refining technology needed to turn sludgy Carabobo oil into higher quality crude. 道达尔拥有将多污泥的卡拉波波石油转变成高质量原油的炼油技术。
  3. And who ever heard of a sludgy teabag bringing the news you were going to meet a tall dark stranger. 有谁听说过一个泥茶包带来你将去见一个高大陌生黑人的消息。
  4. Mystic energy penetrated the miners slag pits and animated the sludgy runoff there. 神秘的能量入侵了矿工们的矿渣坑,在那里生成于泥流中。
  5. The sludgy vegetation has badly affected the training of many national Olympic sailing teams, including the world number one ranked Australian team. 这些泥糊糊的植物已经严重影响了许多国家的划艇队训练,包括世界排名第一的澳大利亚队。
  6. Quaternary deposit consisting of sludgy loam is internal cause of the landslide,while thixotropy dilution and decrease in shear strength is inducer of the landslide. 该段第四系堆积层深厚,淤泥质亚粘土是滑坡形成的内因,在振动荷载作用下,产生触变,稀释,抗剪强度降低是滑坡形成的诱发原因。