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2024-02-10 01:10:17
美[slʌmlɔːrd]  英[slʌmlɔːd]
n.  恶劣房东


  1. Few words carry stronger obloquy than slumlord. 甚少有比贫民窟主更具有贬义的词汇了。
  2. As for the politicians, they profit from an invisible line that runs directly from slumlord to local politician to state minister to his boss. 至于政客们,他们通过地下管道攫利,该管道直接从贫民窟房东,经当地政客,到国家官员,再到建造商老板。
  3. It is not easy to imagine why (except for natural wickedness) a man who could afford to own decent rental housing would decide to become a slumlord instead. 很难想象,假如一个人(除非天性邪恶)具有相当的经济条件,可以拥有像样的房屋出租的话,他怎么会去作一个陋巷恶霸呢?
  4. You say to Slumlord Valthun,"Where will I find these places?" 那我可以在哪找到这些地方?