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2024-02-10 01:37:17
美[smɔːl]  英[smɔːl]
adj.  小的;年幼的;少的;不重要的;小气的
adv.  小地;小块地;小声地
n.  狭小部分;(pl.)零星物品;(pl.)小件衣服
  形容词:smallish  比较级:smaller  最高级:smallest  名词:smallness


  1. 小的,极小的
  2. 小规模的,小型的,小号的
  3. 些微的,琐细的
  4. 幼小的,年幼的
  5. 不重要的
  6. 小写的
  7. 卑劣的
  8. 小心眼儿的
  9. 不多的,少的
  10. 为情况不太坏而庆幸
  11. 显得矮人一截,愧不如人
  12. 吝啬的
  1. 小小地,细小地
  2. 小声地
  3. (成为)小块地
  4. 轻轻地
  5. 小气地
  6. 卑鄙地,轻蔑地
  7. 小规模地,小型地
  8. 些微地
  1. 后腰,腰部
  2. 小件衣服,小件物品
  3. 细小部分,狭小部分
  4. 小物,小东西,琐碎东西,零星物品
  5. 身分低的人
  6. 儿童,矮小的人
  7. 幼小的动物
  8. 内衣裤,短裤
  1. (使)变小


  1. 小的,少的 not large in size, degree, number, value, etc.
  2. [A] 年幼的,幼小的 young
  3. [A] 小规模的,小范围的 not doing things on a large scale
  4. 不重要的,微不足道的,微小的 unimportant; trivial; slight
  5. [A] 小气的,心胸狭窄的 having a mean and petty attitude


  1. the slender part of the back
  2. a garment size for a small person
  1. limited or below average in number or quantity or magnitude or extent;

    "a little dining room" "a little house" "a small car" "a little (or small) group"

  2. limited in size or scope;

    "a small business" "a newspaper with a modest circulation" "small-scale plans" "a pocket-size country"

  3. (of children and animals) young, immature;

    "what a big little boy you are" "small children"

  4. slight or limited; especially in degree or intensity or scope;

    "a series of death struggles with small time in between"

  5. low or inferior in station or quality;

    "a humble cottage" "a lowly parish priest" "a modest man of the people" "small beginnings"

  6. lowercase;

    "little a" "small a" "e.e.cummingss poetry is written all in minuscule letters"

  7. (of a voice) faint;

    "a little voice" "a still small voice"

  8. have fine or very small constituent particles;

    "a small misty rain"

  9. not large but sufficient in size or amount;

    "a modest salary" "modest inflation" "helped in my own small way"

  10. made to seem smaller or less (especially in worth);

    "her comments made me feel small"

  1. on a small scale;

    "think small"


  1. small animal小动物
  2. small arms轻武器
  3. small audience少数听众
  4. small beer微不足道的人〔东西〕
  5. small businesses小公司
  6. small change零钱,小额硬币
  7. small children幼儿
  8. small company小公司
  9. small enterprise小企业
  10. small farmer小农场主
  11. small fault小错
  12. small fortune一大笔钱
  13. small hours凌晨时分
  14. small house小房子
  15. small inconvenience没造成什么不便
  16. small intestine小肠
  17. small job低微的工作
  18. small man矮人
  19. small matter小事
  20. small mistake小小的错误
  21. small number数量小
  22. small part一个小角色
  23. small room一间小屋
  24. small screen小银幕
  25. small shopkeeper小店主
  26. small smile微笑
  27. small talk闲聊
  28. small town小镇
  29. small trader小商人
  1. surprisingly small惊人地小
  2. too small太小
  1. small for the age按年龄说太小
  2. small in number数量小


  1. This coat is too small for me.这件上衣对我来说太小了。
  2. I need to buy a small transistor radio.我需要买一台小的半导体收音机。
  3. The penalty clause was hidden in the small print.惩罚条款印在不起眼的小号字体部分。
  4. She was born in Dominica in the Caribbean and came to Britain as a small child.她出生在加勒比海的多米尼加共和国,年幼时来到英国。
  5. I cant get by on such a small salary.我薪水这么少无法生活。
  6. His words had a small part in her decision making.他的话在她作决定时只起了很少的作用。
  7. He played a small part in the play.他在这出戏里演一个小角色。
  8. Its such a small point that its hardly worth talking about.这个问题一点都不重要,都不值得讨论。
  9. Many black slaves were flogged to death for quite a small fault.许多黑奴因一点很小的过失而被鞭打致死。
  10. It is small of her to wish for payment.她还希望得到报酬, 真小气。
  1. He writes so small I cant read it.他字写得太小,我看不清。
  2. He came in,and spoke small to his hatchet men.他走了进来,对他的几名职业刺客轻声说了些什么。
  1. He felt a sharp pain in the small of his back.他感觉后腰一阵剧痛。


    small可指体积、程度、数量、价值、力量、重要性等的“小的,少的”; 也可指“幼小的,年幼的”,在句中用作定语。 small表示“小规模的,小范围的”“小气的,心胸狭窄的”,通常用作定语; 表示“些微的,几乎没有的”,与不可数名词连用,通常用作定语。 small还可表示为“不重要的,微不足道的,微小的”。 small的比较级为smaller,最高级为smallest。