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2024-02-10 01:59:17
美[smɑːrt]  英[smɑːt]
adj.  时髦的;漂亮的;聪明的;敏捷的;整洁的;厉害的
vi.  刺痛;难过;烦恼
n.  刺痛;苦恼
adv.  (=smartly)
  副词:smartly  比较级:smarter  最高级:smartest  名词:smartness  过去式:smarted  过去分词:smarted  现在分词:smarting  第三人称单数:smarts


  1. 精明的,聪明的,伶俐的
  2. 时髦的,潇洒的
  3. 漂亮的
  4. 厉害的
  5. 活泼的
  6. 敏捷的,灵敏的,灵巧的
  7. 可观的
  8. 猛烈的,强烈的
  9. 有力的
  10. 无礼的
  11. 衣冠楚楚的
  12. 狡猾的
  13. 刺痛的
  14. 尖锐的
  1. 疼痛,刺痛,剧痛
  2. 苦痛,悲痛,痛苦,创伤
  3. 愤慨
  4. 才智,聪敏,机灵,精明,敏锐
  5. 耍聪明的人
  6. 痛苦,难受
  7. 苦恼
  1. 厉害地
  2. 轻快地
  3. 机灵地,精明地
  4. 整齐地
  5. 漂亮地
  6. 大大地
  1. 伤心,痛苦,悲痛,愤慨,难过
  2. 作痛,痛,发疼
  3. 受罚, 受罪,遭殃
  4. 阵阵刺痛,痛心切齿,引起剧痛,感到剧痛,感到痛苦,感到难受,针扎似地作痛
  5. 刺伤,扎伤,刺痛,扎痛
  6. 烦恼


  1. 整洁漂亮的,衣着讲究的,时髦的 bright and new-looking; well-dressed; neat; stylish in appearance
  2. 思维敏捷的,伶俐的 good or quick in thinking; clever
  3. 有力的,猛烈的 (of a blow or criticism) forceful


  1. a kind of pain such as that caused by a wound or a burn or a sore
  1. showing mental alertness and calculation and resourcefulness
  2. elegant and stylish;

    "chic elegance" "a smart new dress" "a suit of voguish cut"

  3. characterized by quickness and ease in learning;

    "some children are brighter in one subject than another" "smart children talk earlier than the average"

  4. improperly forward or bold;

    "dont be fresh with me" "impertinent of a child to lecture a grownup" "an impudent boy given to insulting strangers" "Dont get wise with me!"

  5. painfully severe;

    "he gave the dog a smart blow"

  6. quick and brisk;

    "I gave him a smart salute" "we walked at a smart pace"

  7. capable of independent and apparently intelligent action;

    "smart weapons"

  1. be the source of pain


  1. smart answer巧妙的回答
  2. smart blow猛一击
  3. smart car漂亮的汽车
  4. smart fall急剧下降
  5. smart frock漂亮的连衣裙
  6. smart hat漂亮的帽子
  7. smart idea很妙的主意
  8. smart pace矫健的步子
  9. smart rebuke严厉批评
  10. smart restaurant格调高雅的餐馆
  11. smart rise急剧上升
  12. smart set时髦的阔人
  13. smart student聪明的学生
  14. smart walk轻松的散步
  1. smart about business做生意精明
  2. smart in在…方面精明的
  3. smart in all things各方面很精明
  4. smart in dealings经营手段精明
  5. smart in dress衣着光鲜


  1. Im a smart girl that speaks with a smart accent.我是个机灵的姑娘,说话带有时髦的腔调。
  2. A few months ago they opened a new shop catering exclusively to the smart set.几个月前他们新开了一家商店,专门向最时髦的人士出售物品。
  3. He really cuts a dash in his smart new uniform.他穿著漂亮的新制服真是神气十足。
  4. A smart tie and a dirty collar dont go well together.漂亮的领带与肮脏的领口在一起不相称。
  5. This boy is very smart; he may be another Edison.这男孩很聪明,他可能成为另一个爱迪生。
  6. I gave a smart blow on the lid, and it flew open.我朝盖子猛一击,就把它打开了。
  1. His eyes smart at the smoke.他的眼睛被烟熏痛了。
  2. He feared that he would smart for this foolishness.他担心为这个愚蠢举动而自食其果。
  1. The smart of his wound kept him awake.伤痛使他无法入睡。


    smart指人时,表示思维能力很强,办事巧妙,能圆滑地处理人际关系等,有时也带有表面的或肤浅的色彩; 有时含贬义,即含有狡猾、诡秘的一面。 smart在指人的外表时,强调人穿上剪裁得体、线条明晰的衣着,是时髦的或是上流社会的。 smart还可指打击或批评是“猛烈的,有力的”。