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2024-02-10 02:25:16
美[smelə]  英[smelə]
n.  闻的人;触须;鼻子


  1. The tiger is a no doubt little smeller ! 虎子是个正牌儿小臭臭!
  2. To go crashing into this zone would be horribly embarrassing for you, and humiliating for the smeller. 闯入这一禁区将使你非常尴尬,也会让那个有体臭的人感到丢人。
  3. My husband once had a problem like this and dealt with it so ineptly that he managed to offend the smeller without making him change his stinky habits. 我先生曾遇到过一个类似的问题,但处理得很不得当,以至于他冒犯了那个有体臭的人,而那人却没有改掉臭烘烘的毛病。
  4. Mixing with liter polypropylene fiber and glass fiber, the behavior of cracks-resisting of is marked improved, and the cracks are controlled and smeller. 加入低掺量的聚丙烯纤维后,混凝土板的抗塑性开裂性能有显著提高,可以抑制、细化裂缝。
  5. Relatives can be distinguished from non-relatives, even to the extent of understanding who is genetically different enough from the smeller to be a good choice of mate. 甚至在配偶优选时可以通过气味知道对象基因的不同;
  6. made one of the smeller animals bring him something to eat. 一些弱小的动物给它食物吃。