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2024-02-10 02:46:17
美  英
n.  司木露(一种伏特加酒的商标名)


  1. Youll see a different world with Smirnoff. 俄罗斯思美洛伏特加酒的广告图片意念。
  2. Who is the real Bondman?Jointly with Smirnoff to look forward! 谁才是真正的王牌特工,斯米诺与你共同期待!
  3. It owns famous drink brands including Johnnie Walker, Smirnoff, Guinness and Baileys among others. 它旗下拥有的知名品牌包含尊尼获加、伏特加(斯米诺)、黑啤(健力士)、利口酒(百利)等。
  4. Created in the 1940s by the then-importer of Smirnoff vodka into the US and a West Coast restaurateur. 首次调制于20世纪40年代,当时的进口的皇冠伏特加酒被带到美国和西海岸的餐馆。
  5. Smirnoff N.The role of active oxygen in the response of plant to water deficit and desiccation[J].New Phytol,1993,125:2758. 张立钦;郑勇平;吴纪良;等.;黑杨派新无性系水培苗对盐胁迫反应的研究[J]
  6. Smirnoff Black Vodka &Quantum of Solace 007 will win the all-around equipment, jointly stage the exciting programs in the World! 快来联手007至选斯米诺伏特加,赢取全能装备,共同上演扣人心弦的谍海争锋!