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2024-02-10 03:07:17
美[smoʊkˌhaʊs]  英[sməʊkhaʊs]
n.  熏制室


  1. a small house where smoke is used to cure meat or fish


  1. The same smokehouse procedures used for curing pork work well for beef. 用于烟熏腌猪肉的步骤同样适用于牛肉。
  2. Behind this smokehouse were three small log cabins where the black slaves lived. 熏肉房后面有个小木屋,那是黑奴们住的地方。
  3. The kitchen of course. There was a wash house, a smokehouse for preserving meat. There was an icehouse, a coach house, a spinning house, and several storehouses. 当然有厨房啦。有一间洗衣房,一间肉类熏制室。还有一间冰库,一间马车房,一间纺纱房和几间储藏室。
  4. She pushed open the door, listened and heard Mammys heavy tread in the downstairs hall. She shouted for her impatiently, knowing she could raise her voice with impunity, as Ellen was in the smokehouse, measuring out the days food to Cookie. 她推开门一听,嬷嬷沉重的脚步声在楼下穿堂里轰轰震响,便连忙高声喊她,因为她知道这时爱伦正在薰腊间给厨子分配当天的食物,即使放声也不碍事。
  5. "like it was soaked in a vat of bourbon, left hanging in the smokehouse for a few months and then taken outside and run over with a car." 有如浸泡在一大缸的波本威士忌里;再放到烟熏房(熏制火腿的地方)里放上几个月;最后拿到外面让车子辗过去.
  6. hams curing in the smokehouse. 在烟熏室中熏制而成的火腿