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2024-02-10 03:09:17
美[smoʊkmiːtə(r)]  英[sməʊkmiːtə(r)]
n.  烟尘计(烟尘测量计;烟雾指示器)


  1. Based on the principle of full flow extinction, this paper excogitated a pocketable opacity smokemeter. 基于全流消光原理,本文研究开发了一种便携消光式烟度仪。
  2. A new type of smokemeter of fluid-separating and transphotometry was developed.The meter is precise,portable and simple in structure,is appliable to dynamic determination of diesel exhaust. 研制了一种新型分流透光式烟度计,可适用于柴油机排烟的动态监测,具有结构简单、精度高、易于携带等优点。
  3. The advantage of smoke opacimeter in measuring low particulate concentration exhaust from diesel is enduced with the contrast of measuring principle for filter type smokemeter and smoke opacimeter. 通过对滤纸式及不透光两种烟度计测量原理的比较,得出不透光烟度计在低浓度烟气排放测量中更具有优势。
  4. 70.Smokemeter:Filter Paper Smokemeter, Transmission Smokermeter; 70.;烟度计:滤纸式烟度计、透射式烟度计;
  5. The Cause and Correction of Filter - type Smokemeters Indication Overproof 引起滤纸式烟度计示值超差原因及调校方法
  6. filter type smokemeter 滤纸式烟度计