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2024-02-10 03:16:17
美[sməʊkɪlɪ]  英[sməʊkɪlɪ]
adv.  冒著烟;烟熏著


  1. Milk white smoke was stinking thinly and smokily as rolling up in puffs from the nattierblue flames. 在淡青色的火焰中,一股一股乳白色的含着稀薄的呛人的臭味的烟袅袅上升。
  2. Chinkiang black rice vinegar Vinegar is widely used in Chinese cooking and this strong but smokily mellow-tasting fermented rice vinegar is a favourite. 镇江黑米醋醋广泛应用于中国烹饪,这种强烈的,但散发醇厚美味的发酵米醋是让人特别喜欢的。
  3. When police reachs the spot, coal of the flaming in furnace of the coal inside the car still is in smokily, door aperture is closed to death to death by adhesive plaster. 警方到达现场时,车内煤炉中燃烧的煤炭还在冒着烟,车门缝隙被胶布死死封闭。
  4. This odd festival bear the questions to red wine experts, what will they think so when they drink the wine, while eat the smokily eels and worm chocolate suger? 这个古怪的节日也将疑问带给了葡萄酒专家们:喝着葡萄酒,吃着冒着烟的鳗鱼和蠕虫巧克力糖会是什么样的感受呢?
  5. Chinkiang black rice vinegar Vinegar is widely used in Chinese cooking and this strong but smokily mellow-tasting fermented rice vinegar is a favourite. You can use balsamic vinegar instead. 镇江黑米醋醋广泛应用于中国烹饪,这种强烈的,但散发醇厚美味的发酵米醋是让人特别喜欢的。你可以用香醋来代替。