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2024-02-10 03:26:16
美[smuːð]  英[smuːð]
adj.  光滑的;平稳的;流畅的;圆滑的;可口的;安祥的;均匀的
v.  使光滑;消除;安慰;理顺(羽毛)
  副词:smoothly  比较级:smoother  最高级:smoothest  名词:smoother  过去式:smoothed  过去分词:smoothed  现在分词:smoothing  第三人称单数:smoothes


  1. 平稳的
  2. 悦耳的
  3. 平滑的,圆滑的,光滑的,滑顺的
  4. 平静的,平和的
  5. 平坦的
  6. 温和的,柔和的
  7. 无毛的
  8. 流畅的,进展顺利的
  9. 调匀的,均匀的
  10. 和蔼的
  11. 可口的
  12. 无胡须的
  13. 【语】不送气的
  14. <美俚>有说服力的
  1. 消除
  2. 轻轻地涂抹
  3. 使优雅
  4. (使)顺利
  5. 使平滑, 把...弄平滑,(使)光滑
  6. 烫平,垫平,校平,抹平,抚平
  7. 使流利,使流畅
  8. 使容易
  9. 变平静,变缓和
  10. 掩饰,遮掩,粉饰
  11. 使平整,把…弄平
  12. 使(脸部表情)平和下来
  13. 铺平(道路)
  14. 均匀涂抹于
  15. 调匀,使无结块
  1. 平稳地
  2. 圆滑地
  3. 流畅地
  4. 光滑地,平滑地
  1. 平滑部分,光滑部分
  2. (一段)平地
  3. 草坪,草原
  4. 一泓静水,平滑的水面
  5. 平稳顺利的事
  6. 抚平,抹平
  7. 一角银币
  8. 修光的工具
  9. 变缓和
  10. 光滑平稳的东西,平滑的东西
  11. 使变平滑的动作


  1. 光滑的,平坦的,平静的 having an even surface without points, lumps, bumps, etc.; not rough
  2. 平稳的,不颠簸的,不摇晃的 moving evenly , without bumps, jolts, stops, etc. or even in movement without sudden changes or breaks
  3. 顺利的,没有困难的,无问题的 free from difficulties; problems, etc.
  4. 过分殷勤的,圆滑的 flattering and agreeable (but perhaps insincere); (too) polite
  1. vt. 使光滑,使平坦; 使顺利 make smooth or flat


  1. the act of smoothing;

    "he gave his hair a quick smooth"

  1. having a surface free from roughness or bumps or ridges or irregularities;

    "smooth skin" "a smooth tabletop" "smooth fabric" "a smooth road" "water as smooth as a mirror"

  2. smoothly agreeable and courteous with a degree of sophistication;

    "he was too politic to quarrel with so important a personage" "the manager pacified the customer with a smooth apology for the error"

  3. of the margin of a leaf shape; not broken up into teeth
  4. smooth and unconstrained in movement;

    "a long, smooth stride" "the fluid motion of a cat" "the liquid grace of a ballerina"

  5. (music) without breaks between notes; smooth and connected;

    "a legato passage"

  6. of motion that runs or flows or proceeds without jolts or turbulence;

    "a smooth ride"

  7. lacking obstructions or difficulties;

    "the bills path through the legislature was smooth and orderly"

  8. (of a body of water) free from disturbance by heavy waves;

    "a ribbon of sand between the angry sea and the placid bay" "the quiet waters of a lagoon" "a lake of tranquil blue water reflecting a tranquil blue sky" "a smooth channel crossing" "scarcely a ripple on the still water" "unruffled water"

  1. make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing;

    "smooth the surface of the wood"

  2. make (a surface) shine;

    "shine the silver, please" "polish my shoes"

  3. free from obstructions;

    "smooth the way towards peace negotiations"


  1. smooth a sheet抚平床单
  2. smooth a wrinkled tablecloth熨平起皱的桌布
  3. smooth ones dress熨平衣服
  4. smooth ones skirt抚平裙子
  5. smooth the anger平息愤怒
  1. smooth to the touch手感平滑
  1. smooth artfully巧妙地熨平
  2. smooth diplomatically缓和外交关系
  3. smooth mechanically机械地熨
  4. smooth skillfully熟练地熨平
  5. smooth socially缓和社会关系
  6. smooth away消除,克服,使容易,使顺利
  7. smooth away misunderstanding消除误会
  8. smooth away obstacles消除障碍
  9. smooth down弄光,使平滑
  10. smooth down ones hair捋平头发
  11. smooth out a handkerchief把手绢弄平
  12. smooth out difficulties排除困难
  13. smooth out the tablecloth把桌布拉平
  14. smooth over掩饰,调停,平息,排除
  15. smooth over obstacles消除障碍


  1. Her skin is as smooth as silk.她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。
  2. The birch has smooth bark and slender branches.桦树有光滑的皮和细长的枝。
  3. At 9:50 the plane began a smooth descent through the cloud-smudged sky to Shanghai.9点50分,飞机在上海上空开始穿过浓云平稳下降。
  4. The process of negotiation was not entirely smooth.谈判的过程并不十分顺畅。
  5. We need to be really smooth in the meeting today if we want to close the deal.如果想谈成这单生意,今天的会议上我们就必须圆滑一些。
  6. Mix the butter and sugar to a smooth paste.把黄油、糖调匀成糊状。
  1. She smoothed out wrinkles out of the tablecloth.她把桌布上的皱褶弄平。
  2. No matter how hard she tried, she was unable to smooth over their differences.不管她怎么努力,也未能消除他们之间的分岐。
  3. It has been proposed as a storage option to support large-scale use of photovoltaics as a means to smooth out fluctuations in power generation.有人提议作为存储选项,以支持大规模利用太阳能作为一种手段来理顺波动发电。


    smooth的基本意思是“滑”,指某物的表面状态时,表示“平滑的,光滑的,平坦的”; 也可指某物体在开动中不摇晃、不颠簸; 还可指文章、文体、声调等方面是“流畅的,和谐悦耳的”。指人时,表示举止及仪表是“圆滑的,温和的,油腔滑调的,迎合讨好的”,多含有贬义。指饮料时,则表示味道“可口的,醇和的”。
    smooth用作动词的意思是“使光滑”“使平坦”,引申则可表示“使顺利”。 smooth用作及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语。可用于被动结构。