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2024-02-10 03:27:17
美[smuːðˌboʊr]  英[smuːðˌbɔː]
n.  无膛线枪;无膛线炮


  1. a firearm that has no rifling
  1. of a firearm; not having rifling or internal spiral grooves inside the barrel


  1. Nearly all line infantry carry smoothbore, muzzle-loading muskets. 几乎所有的战列步兵都使用前装滑膛枪。
  2. Another smoothbore weapon in use today is the 37 mm riot gun. 膛线给抛射物赋予自转,使它稳定下来,并防止它震动。首先,这样减小了随机自转引发的马格纳斯效应,提高了精确度。
  3. First version with the auto-loading 125mm smoothbore gun. Export to Pakistan. 采用自动装弹机的125毫米滑膛炮的第一种型号。对巴基斯坦外销。
  4. A smoothbore shoulder gun used from the late16th through the18th century. 火枪一种滑膛托枪,用于16世纪后期到18世纪
  5. A shoulder - held weaponconsisting of a long metal smoothbore tube for firing armor - piercing rockets at short range. 火箭筒一种肩扛武器,由一个金属的光滑长炮管组成,用于在近距离发射穿甲火箭。
  6. A shoulder - held weapon consisting of a long metal smoothbore tube for firing armor - piercing rockets at short range. 火箭筒一种肩扛武器,由一个金属的光滑长炮管组成,用于在近距离发射穿甲火箭