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2024-02-10 03:28:16
美[smuːðən]  英[smuːðən]
v.  (使)平滑;(使)平和
  过去式:smoothened  过去分词:smoothened  现在分词:smoothening  第三人称单数:smoothens


  1. make smooth or smoother, as if by rubbing;

    "smooth the surface of the wood"

  2. make (a surface) shine;

    "shine the silver, please" "polish my shoes"

  3. become smooth


  1. Use the Smudge Tool and smoothen the layer. 使用涂抹工具对图层进行平滑处理。
  2. Smoothen skin, relieve feet fatigue. 平滑和柔化肌肤,消除足部疲倦。
  3. Power saving with lower current consumption in advance of smoothen tuming. 成洋本著,配合先进技术的提升整体的规划。
  4. Aloe hydrate factor and elastin extract , persistently hydrate skin and effectively smoothen fine lines. 芦荟保湿成份及弹力蛋白精华,长效保湿的同时,有效抚平细纹。
  5. Efficacy: Contain two different kinds of small particles, well exfoliate cutin, remove surface spots, smoothen skin and emit fresh and sweet smell. 功效:含有两种不同大小的微细颗粒,去角质效果到位,核桃颗粒能去表瑕疵;令皮肤光滑、柔美;并散发清新而甜美的气息。
  6. Features: It is bubble-less.It tenderly cleanses, smoothen skins and does not cause any tight feelings. 特点:性质温和,有泡沫清洁配方,能快速清洁吸附在皮肤上的污垢,洁面后没有紧绷感,令皮肤倍感洁净、光滑。