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2024-02-10 03:37:16
美[smʌðər]  英[smʌðə(r)]
v.  窒息;闷死;用沙等闷住火;忍住;厚厚地或大面积地覆盖
  过去式:smothered  过去分词:smothered  现在分词:smothering  第三人称单数:smothers


  1. vt. 使窒息,使透不过气 stop air from reaching a person or thing
  2. vt. 覆盖 cover thickly or completely
  3. vt. 忍住,抑制 keep back,suppress (ones anger,etc.)
  4. vt. 闷住,闷熄 put out (a fire), cause (a fire) to burn slowly,by covering it with ashes,sand,etc.


  1. a confused multitude of things
  2. a stifling cloud of smoke
  1. envelop completely;

    "smother the meat in gravy"

  2. deprive of oxygen and prevent from breathing;

    "Othello smothered Desdemona with a pillow" "The child suffocated herself with a plastic bag that the parents had left on the floor"

  3. conceal or hide;

    "smother a yawn" "muffle ones anger" "strangle a yawn"

  4. form an impenetrable cover over;

    "the butter cream smothered the cake"

  5. deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion;

    "smother fires"


  1. smother a yawn忍住哈欠
  2. smother ones grief抑制悲痛


  1. They smother his better instinct.这些声音窒息了他的良知。
  2. He smothered the baby with a pillow.他用枕头把婴儿闷死了。
  3. Its better to smother the fire with the earth.最好用土把火掩熄。
  4. Smother the flames from the burning pan with a wet towel.用湿毛巾把锅里的火扑灭。
  5. If you put too much coal on the fire at once youll smother it.在火上一下子添上很多煤,反而能把火闷死。
  6. We tried to smother our laughter.我们强忍住笑。
  7. I just managed to smother a yawn.我刚设法忍住了一个呵欠。
  8. He could hardly smother his anger.他几乎抑制不住他的愤怒之情。
  9. In some of James fiction motive seems to smother event.在詹姆斯的一些小说里动机似乎把情节掩盖住了。