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2024-02-10 04:09:16
美[snægəlˌtuːθ]  英[snægltuːθ]
n.  参差不齐的牙齿;暴牙


  1. Still, Kenners Snaggletooth represents a costume not devised for any film. 不过,肯纳公司“歪牙佬”人偶所展示的戏装,并非来自任何一部电影。
  2. That character was later reissued as an action figure, with the production moniker of Snaggletooth. 这个角色后来被再次制成活动人偶,以“歪牙佬”为制作绰号。
  3. When Kenner Toys first made the Snaggletooth figure, they only had reference photography of the aliens head. 肯纳玩具公司(KennerToys)刚做出“歪牙佬”的形象时,只有外星人头部的相关照片。
  4. And then this is snaggletooth. 还有,这是獠牙怪。
  5. There are some Spidey fans who think Kirsten Dunst, who may come back to play Mary Jane Watson, would be better suited to play a new villain called Snaggletooth, but that is highly unlikely. 有些蜘蛛饭觉得克尔斯腾.;邓斯特(她可能回来演玛丽