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2024-02-10 04:53:17
美[snæks]  英[snæks]
n.  (商业用语)快餐
sp.  快餐店.


  1. The big cat, meanwhile, shavingsgrown quite bulky on "Kitty Snax"[=Snacks], simply ignores her and focuses on the presidents calf. 此时那只靠吃“猫快餐”而长成大块头的“大猫”根本就不理睬她,而是把注意力放在了这位总统的小腿上。
  2. The big cat, meanwhile, shavingsgrown quite bulky on "Kitty Snax"[=Snacks], simply ignores her and focuses on the presidents calf 此时那只靠吃“猫快餐”而长成大块头的“大猫”根本就不理睬她,而是把注意力放在了这位总统的小腿上。
  3. The big cat. meanwhile, shavingsgrown quite bulky on "Kitty Snax"[=Snacks], simply ignores her and focuses on the presidents calf 此时那只靠吃“猫快餐”而长成大块头的“大猫”根本就不理睬她,而是把注意力放在了这位总统的小腿上。