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2024-02-10 05:01:17
美[sniːkɪŋlɪ]  英[sniːkɪŋlɪ]
adv.  偷偷地;卑鄙地


  1. in a sneaky manner;

    "I always felt sneakingly that I wanted to be a concert pianist"


  1. How did he find a way to sneak out of the house? 他是怎么设法从房子里溜出来的?
  2. He stole the money and sneak out of the house. 他偷了钱後从房子里溜了出去。
  3. After a sneak preview of the film they decided to shelve it. 该影片在试映后,他们决定把它搁置起来。
  4. The boy decided to sneak in to pick some apples after dark. 孩子们决定天黑后溜进去摘些苹果。
  5. Jim tried to sneak out of the room but his father saw him and settled his hash. 吉姆想从房间里溜出去,但他父亲看到了,将他狠狠地揍了一顿。
  6. The man sneak about the place watch for a chance to steal something. 这人在这地方附近潜行,想找机会偷些东西。