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2024-02-10 05:25:16
美[snɪftər]  英[snɪftə(r)]
n.  狭口的酒杯;一口;一杯


  1. a globular glass with a small top; used for serving brandy


  1. Shake well with ice. Strain into brandy snifter over ice cubes. 在调酒壶中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,摇匀后倒入加冰的白兰地酒杯。
  2. A heated snifter hastens the release of the brandys bouquet. 加热后的白兰地杯可以更快地释放白兰地中的芳香。
  3. Stir with crushed ice. Strain into snifter glass. Garnish with a cherry. 在调酒杯中加入冰块,把所有成份倒入其中,搅动后倒入白兰地杯,再用红樱桃装饰。
  4. What is the purpose behind heating a snifter before serving a brandy neat? 直接饮用白兰地时加热白兰地杯的目的是什么?
  5. He retrieved three brandy glasses and the snifter of brandy, again as per Olivers orders. 每一只都不同平常地配有锈剑,另一只手臂上绑着小圆盾。
  6. This glass is considered preferable to the snifter for appreciating brandy neat. 在直接饮用白兰地时,哪种酒杯被认为最适合的?