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2024-02-10 05:50:16
美[snɑːbi]  英[snɒbi]
adj.  势利的


  1. befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior


  1. This part of the town has a lot of snob appeal. 该城的这一区很能吸引自视甚高的人。
  2. He is not a snob and therein lay his downfall. 他不是个势利小人,而他失败的原因正在于此。
  3. This car sells well because of its snob value. 这种汽车很 有派头,因此很畅销。
  4. She protested strongly at being called a snob. 她极力反对别人说她势利眼。
  5. Hes a bit of a snob wont speak to the likes of me. 他这个人有点势利--不会和我这样的人说话。
  6. Snob talk as if they have beget their own ancestors. 小人大言不惭,简直把自己的祖宗也说成是他们生的了。