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2024-02-10 06:45:17
美[snoʊʃuː]  英[snəʊʃuː]
n.  雪鞋
v.  穿着雪鞋走
  名词:snowshoer  过去式:snowshoed  过去分词:snowshoed  现在分词:snowshoeing  第三人称单数:snowshoes


  1. a device to help you walk on deep snow; a lightweight frame shaped like a racquet is strengthened with cross pieces and contains a network of thongs; one is worn on each foot
  1. travel on snowshoes;

    "After a heavy snowfall, we have to snowshoe to the grocery store"


  1. Female snowshoe hare compares male big commonly. 雌性雪鞋兔一般比雄性个大。
  2. I would like to try out my new snowshoe. 我想试试我的新雪鞋。
  3. Must have a tight, deep snowshoe foot with well-cushioned pads. 必须拥有紧密像穿了雪靴的足部,很好的足垫。
  4. PLEASE COUNT ME IN! I WANT TO JOIN YOU GUYS! I WANT TO RENT SNOWSHOE TOO! 这位朋友,我怎么拼也没有拼出您的名字,请用你的网名来报名!谢谢!
  5. The suiting that snowshoe hare changes to climate capability is very strong. 雪鞋兔对气候变化的适应能力很强。
  6. Try snowshoe trekking,a definitely different way to tank up on sunshine and energy. 还可穿着雪鞋远足,这绝对是一种饱尝阳光、增添精力的不同体验。