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2024-02-10 08:46:17
美  英
adj.  苏格拉底的;苏格拉底问答法的
n.  苏格拉底的信徒


  1. of or relating to Socrates or to his method of teaching;

    "Socratic teaching"


  1. The Socratic manner is not a game at which two can play. 苏格拉底式的问答并不是两个人可玩的游戏。
  2. Their calm self-collectedness of simplicity seems a Socratic wisdom. 他们那种质朴而富有恬静的泰然自若的神气,好象具有一种苏格拉底的智慧。
  3. The essence of Socratic method is a process of interpreting the text of law. 在法学教育中引入苏格拉底方法的路径,其实质就是法律文本的解读方法。
  4. This is the classic, the beautiful, the elegant form of the Socratic Method. 这是苏格拉底式教学法的经典的,美丽的,高雅的形式。
  5. Teachers must be aware, though, that there are various forms of the Socratic Method. 尽管如此,老师们必须意识到,苏格拉底式教学法有各种不同的形式。
  6. Can you describe your Socratic process when you decided to take Patagonia in a sustainable direction? 问:你能描述一下你决定将巴塔哥尼亚带向环境维护的方向所使用的苏格拉底模式吗?