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2024-02-10 09:02:17
美[sɑːdəmaɪz]  英[sɒdəmaɪz]
vt.  对 ... 鸡奸(或口交、兽奸等)
  过去式:sodomized  过去分词:sodomized  现在分词:sodomizing  第三人称单数:sodomizes


  1. copulate with an animal
  2. practice anal sex upon


  1. And then the Lord rained down fire and brimstone from the skies on Sodom and Gomorrah. 然后,天主反火和硫磺象雨一般洒落在所多玛和蛾摩拉那里。他把这两座城市夷为平地,摧毁了整个平原。
  2. What he has said is an apple of Sodom. 他说的全是纸上谈兵,毫无价值。
  3. Youll see two whores, Sodom and Gomorrah. 你会见到两个洞,所多马和葛摩拉。
  4. The pedlar insisted on selling the apple of Sodom to the tourists. 这个小贩非要把假货卖给这些旅游者。
  5. It will prove, when attained, a very apple of Sodom, dying between the hand and mouth. 这个目的即使达到了,也会像一个索多姆地方的果子一样,还没到口就化为灰烬了。
  6. The thing I bought yesterday was found to be an apple of Sodom. 我昨天买的那样东西外表好看,而实际上用处不大。