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2024-02-10 10:52:17
美[sɑːlɪd]  英[sɒlɪd]
adj.  固体的;实心的;结实的;可靠的
n.  固体;立体图形
adv.  一致地
  副词:solidly  比较级:solider  最高级:solidest  名词:solidness


  1. 固体的
  2. 实心的
  3. 结实的,坚固的,稳固的,坚牢的
  4. 立方的,立体的
  5. 牢靠的
  6. 无空隙的
  7. 可信赖的,可靠的
  8. 连续的
  9. 团结的,一致的
  10. 慎重的,严肃的
  11. 充实的
  12. 单一的,同一的
  1. 固体,固态,固态物
  2. 【火箭】固体燃料,火箭火药
  3. 固体食物,非流质食物
  4. 【数】立体,立方体,立体图形
  5. 固体颗粒,固体粒子
  6. 实体
  1. 一致,一致地


  1. 固体的 not needing a container to hold its shape; not liquid or gas
  2. 实心的 having an inside filled up; not hollow
  3. 结实的,稳定的 made of close and tightly packed material; compact
  4. 可靠的 that may be depended on; secure
  5. 纯粹的,纯质的,纯色的 completely of the stated substance, especially a metal or colour and not mixed with others
  6. 连续的 without spaces or breaks; continuous
  1. [C] 固体 a solid object; sth that does not flow


  1. matter that is solid at room temperature and pressure
  2. the state in which a substance has no tendency to flow under moderate stress; resists forces (such as compression) that tend to deform it; and retains a definite size and shape
  3. a three-dimensional shape
  1. characterized by good substantial quality;

    "solid comfort" "a solid base hit"

  2. of definite shape and volume; firm; neither liquid nor gaseous;

    "ice is water in the solid state"

  3. entirely of one substance with no holes inside;

    "a solid block of wood"

  4. of one substance or character throughout;

    "solid gold" "carved out of solid rock"

  5. uninterrupted in space; having no gaps or breaks;

    "a solid line across the page" "solid sheets of water"

  6. providing abundant nourishment;

    "a hearty meal" "good solid food" "ate a substantial breakfast" "four square meals a day"

  7. of good quality and condition; solidly built;

    "a solid foundation" "several substantial timber buildings"

  8. not soft or yielding to pressure;

    "a firm mattress" "the snow was firm underfoot" "solid ground"

  9. having three dimensions;

    "a solid object"

  10. impenetrable for the eye;

    "solid blackness"

  11. financially sound;

    "the bank is solid and will survive this attack"

  12. of a substantial character and not frivolous or superficial;

    "work of solid scholarship" "based on solid facts"

  13. meriting respect or esteem;

    "an upstanding member of the community"

  14. of the same color throughout;

    "solid color"

  15. acting together as a single undiversified whole;

    "a solid voting bloc"


  1. solid object固体
  2. solid gold纯金
  3. solid colour单色
  1. solid against一致反对…的
  2. solid against the idea一致反对那个主意
  3. solid for一致赞成…的
  4. solid for a strike一致同意举行罢工
  1. chill a solid使固体冷却
  2. discharge solid排出固体
  3. drain a solid排出固体
  4. freeze a solid冷冻固体
  1. colourless solid无色的固体
  2. different solids不同的固体
  3. poisonous solid有毒的固体
  4. resultant solid合成固体


  1. Ice is water in solid state.冰是水的固体状态。
  2. In fact, it was originally a solid rock.其实,这本来是实心的岩石。
  3. All these have laid a solid political foundation for consolidated national unity.所有这些为巩固国家统一奠定了坚实的政治基础。
  4. You should present solid evidence to prove your point.你应该提供有说服力的证据来证明你的观点。
  1. Water becomes solid when it freezes.水结冰时便变成固体。
  2. A cube is a solid.立方体是个立体图形。


    solid用作形容词,可作“固体的”“结实的”“实心的”解; 也可作“可靠的”“纯质的,纯色的”解; 还可作“连续的”解。 solid可用very修饰。 solid作“固体的;实心的;连续的”解时,无比较级和最高级形式。作其他几个意思解时,只有最高级,无比较级。