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2024-02-10 10:58:16
美[sɒlɪdərɪ]  英[sɒlɪdərɪ]
n.  团结性


  1. Be solidary and we will overcome the difficulties! 勇敢些,我们会克服困难的!
  2. The arch-criminal was kept in solidary confinement. 那名首犯被单独监禁.
  3. The strike leader agiated workers to show the bosses that they are solidary. 罢工领导人鼓动工人们给老板们看看他们是团结一致的。
  4. He has divided the human relation into three modes: solidary social community, instrumental combo, and citizenhood. 他将人类关系分为三个基本模式:团结性社群、工具性联合体与公民身份。
  5. A person subject to solidary liability may recover a contribution from any other person liable to the victim in respect of the same damage. 承担了连带责任的人,可以向对受害人的同一损害负责任的任何一人追偿。
  6. When reduced according to paragraph (1)(b), strict liability and any liability of the third party are solidary in accordance with Article 9:101 (1)(b). 严格责任是否可被减免,以及可以减到何种程度,一方面取决于外部的影响的重要性,另一方面取决于责任的范围(第3:201条)。