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2024-02-10 10:59:17
美[sɒlɪˌdaɪ]  英[sɒlɪdaɪ]
n.  固态线(斜号)


  1. When this payment in kind was commuted into coin, it was valued at 25 or 30 solidi a year for each soldier. 当实物饷金变为硬币时,一个士兵一年可得25至30索里迪。
  2. Seventy-two solidi went to the pound of gold, so that its value was about twelve shillings and sixpence. 七十二枚索里迪用一磅黄金,因此其币值为十二先令六便士。
  3. The pound of gold was really the standard, and, when solidi were used in ordinary transactions, they were weighed. 纳税时它们的面值得到承认,但做其它用途时它们只是金属片。
  4. Puoi tu, come lui, distendere i cieli e farli solidi come uno specchio di metallo? 地因南风而寂静的时候,你的衣服怎样热起来,你知道吗?
  5. Experimental results show that the solidi fication structure can be remarkabl y refined by the appli-cation of the higher density pulsed c urrent. 结果表明,高密度脉冲电流可以显著细化其凝固组织。
  6. solidi fied inshore saline soil with lime-ash 二灰固化滨海盐渍土