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2024-02-10 11:19:17
美[sɑːləteri]  英[sɒlətri]
adj.  孤独的;独立的;单个的;唯一的;荒凉的
n.  隐士;单独禁闭
  副词:solitarily  名词:solitariness  名词复数:solitaries


  1. 单独的,独自的
  2. 唯一的,单个的,仅有的
  3. 孤独的,寂寞的
  4. 荒凉的,偏僻的,僻远的
  5. 独居的
  6. 隐居的
  7. 【动】非群居的
  8. 【植】单生的
  9. 无伴的, 独个儿的
  10. 冷落的
  1. 独居者
  2. 隐士
  3. 单独监禁,单独禁闭
  4. 过孤独生活的人


  1. 单独的;独居的;无伴的 being alone;single;lonesome
  2. 唯一的 only one
  3. 人迹罕至的;幽静的 seldom visited


  1. confinement of a prisoner in isolation from other prisoners;

    "he was held in solitary"

  2. one who lives in solitude
  1. characterized by or preferring solitude;

    "a lone wolf" "a lonely existence" "a man of a solitary disposition" "a solitary walk"

  2. of plants and animals; not growing or living in groups or colonies;

    "solitary bees"

  3. lacking companions or companionship;

    "he was alone when we met him" "she is alone much of the time" "the lone skier on the mountain" "a lonely fisherman stood on a tuft of gravel" "a lonely soul" "a solitary traveler"

  4. being the only one; single and isolated from others;

    "the lone doctor in the entire county" "a lonesome pine" "an only child" "the sole heir" "the sole example" "a solitary instance of cowardice" "a solitary speck in the sky"

  5. devoid of creatures;

    "a lonely crossroads" "a solitary retreat" "a trail leading to an unfrequented lake"


  1. His childhood was repressed and solitary.他的童年是压抑而孤独的。
  2. The trapper leads a solitary life in the mountains.那个设陷阱捕猎的人孤独地生活在山里。
  3. Solitary as their lives were, is there no one person who would serve my purpose?尽管他们过的是遗世独立的生活,难道就没有一个能够对我的计划有帮助的人吗?
  4. A solitary rider was seen in the distance.远处有个孤零零的骑马的人。
  5. A solitary light burned dimly in the hall.大厅里点着一盏孤灯,发出昏暗的光。
  6. She was the solitary companion of a sick father.她是病弱的父亲的唯一伴侣。
  7. There was the solitary flat marsh on the shore.岸上是一片荒凉萧索的沼地。