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2024-02-10 11:34:16
美[sɒljəbəˌlaɪz]  英[sɒljʊbɪlaɪz]
vt.  使溶解
  过去式:solubilized  过去分词:solubilized  现在分词:solubilizing  第三人称单数:solubilizes


  1. Sodium naphthenate in aqueous solution can solubilize oil fractions durmg caustic treatment. 研究表明,石油酸钠平均相对分子质量越大,对馏分油的增溶能力越强;
  2. Results Polymeric micelles could solubilize drugs, sever as drug carriers in gene therapy. 结果 聚合物胶束可以增溶药物、作为药物和基因治疗的载体。
  3. The key aspect of each of these detergents is their ability to solubilize lipids in cell walls, and thus rupture these walls. 这类表面活性剂起作用在于能溶解细胞壁中的脂,进行细胞破碎。
  4. These generally include the addition of earths or clays to adsorb the colloidal materials or use of proteolytic enzymes to further solubilize the protein fraction. 这些处理一般包括添加陶土或白土以吸附胶态物质或者使用蛋白质水解酶以进一步增溶蛋白质成分。
  5. Other free living organisms such as bacteria of the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus and fungi belonging to the genera Penicillium and Aspergillus can solubilize P in soil through. 其它的一些自生型的微生物如假单胞菌和芽孢杆菌及青霉菌属、曲霉菌属的真菌都能溶解土壤中的磷。
  6. It is meaningful to develop technique to use these coals.Many kinds of microorganisms in soil and other environment can solubilize and depolymer the low-rank coals. 土壤和自然环境中许多微生物能够以低级煤为碳源和能源,将其大分子物质转化为小分子物质,可用于工业和农业领域。