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2024-02-10 11:38:17
美[soʊləs]  英[səʊləs]
adj.  单独的(独自的)


  1. <拉>独自的
  2. 销售独家产品的
  3. 单独的
  4. 索吕 (音译名)


  1. Myst Solu Solution ion ry “Black” Music! Lets reveal by yourself! 黑色音乐,黑色震撼,由你发掘!
  2. The solute transport mechanisms in the mobile solution and immobile solu. 对可流动将和不可流动溶液中溶质运移机理分别进行剖析,并给出运移表达式。
  3. The problem here is akin to that with relocation as a solu tion to wage costs. 这里的问题类似于以移转区位来解决工资成本的问题。
  4. Like all watches from Botta-Design, the SOLUS is developed and manufactured entirely in Germany. 像所有波塔设计的手表其独自开发和生产完全是在德国。
  5. Quoniam tu solus Sanctus,tu solus Dominus,tu solus Altissimus,Jesus Christe,cum Sancto Spiritu;in Gloria Dei Patris.AMEN. 因为有你是圣者,唯你是主,唯你是至高至上者:耶稣基督,以圣洁之灵敬奉上帝圣父。阿门。
  6. The re lationships DEand hydrolysate solu bility was researched,The viscoelastic behavior of hydrolysa te was found. 在一定温度范围内,随温度的升高,水解速度加快,DE值增加。