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2024-02-10 11:46:17
美[sɒlveɪt]  英[sɒlveɪt]
n.  溶剂
vt.  使 ... 成溶剂化物


  1. a compound formed by solvation (the combination of solvent molecules with molecules or ions of the solute)
  1. cause a solvation in (a substance)
  2. undergo solvation or convert into a solvate


  1. Three potential functions are explained by using experimental data of spectrum and thermodynamic data of the solvate. 文中三个精确的势能函数可以用实验光谱数据和溶剂化物的热力学数据进行解释。
  2. This is because in addition to the dirty solvate to light blue, dark-coloured bhlf a post-drying circle is dirt. 这是因为不兴不不污剂凝固为不不深蓝色物,积聚不败较不深色的圆圈,潮燥后便上不不污。
  3. The results show that the optimum excitation wavelength and the FCE may be very different for the same PAH but in different solvate. 结果表明,样品溶液的荧光转换效率与激发光波长有十分密切的关系,而这种关系又强烈依赖于所用溶剂。
  4. There had been these studies beforehand, so they are going to be going ahead starting to spread this iron solvate over the ocean. 他们已经提前做了研究,所以他们就开始将铁溶剂倾倒在海洋中,
  5. an agent that converts something into a solvate. 把某事转到溶剂中的介质。
  6. Keywords association solvate;solubility;model.; 溶剂化物;溶解度;模型;缔合;