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2024-02-10 12:18:17
美[soʊmətəˌtaɪp]  英[səʊmətətaɪp]
n.  体型(体式)


  1. a category of physique


  1. Objective: To study the somatotype character of Oroqen adults. 目的:了解鄂伦春族成人的体型特征。
  2. This study also investigated the stability of the change of somatotype. 此外并根据儿童和青少年体型改变的情形,以暸解体型发展的稳定性。
  3. The average somatotype is Endomorphic Mesomorphin in male(3.3-5.8-1.7)and Ectomorph-Endomorph in female(5.7-6.2-1.1). 男性的平均体型为偏内胚层型的中胚层型(3.;3-5
  4. Heath-Carter somatotype method has the perspective applications in human nutriology and physical anthropology. Heath- Carter体型法在人类营养学和体质人类学领域有广阔的应用前景。
  5. In this paper,with the Heath Carter Method,we have examined the somatotype of 81 world elite synchronized swimmers. 本文采用希思 -卡特体型测定法测试了 81名世界优秀花样游泳运动员的体型。
  6. Methods:The somatotype growth of 1539 Tibetan adolescents in Lasa was evaluated by Heath-Carter method. 方法:应用Heath-Carter法,对拉萨市1539名青少年进行体型评价。