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2024-02-10 12:39:16
美[sʌmweɪ]  英[sʌmweɪ]
adv.  设法;不知什么缘故;总算
sp.  =someways.


  1. in some unspecified way or manner; or by some unspecified means;

    "they managed somehow" "he expected somehow to discover a woman who would love him" "he tried to make is someway acceptable"


  1. Somehow, someway, they need to win this game. 不管怎样他们都需要赢这场比赛。
  2. At least 15 people in this love you in someway. 在这世上;最少有15个人在某一个地方爱著你.
  3. Most of Spains team was out on loan in someway. 这支西班牙队伍中大多数孩子都以某种形式被租借出去经受锻炼。”
  4. Is there someway x I can repay y you for this? 有什么方法可以让我为此对你进行回报?
  5. Is there someway I can repay you for this? 有什么方法可以让我为此对你进行回报啊。
  6. Maybe we can figure out someway to have the picnic. 也许我们能想出什么办法,仍然可以起野餐。