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2024-02-10 13:10:17
美[soʊnəl]  英[səʊnəl]
adj.  声音的;声速的


  1. Pakear G,Sea sonal Variation in New South Wales British J,Psychiatry 1982,6:626. 夏友春;陈德沂;严善明.;妄想、抑郁和自杀行为[J]
  2. Results The per sonal career pla nning Combining HTP, sand play, the Hollands and the concrete career guiding ha s great effect on personal consulting. 结果综合HTP、箱庭、霍兰德职业性向测验、具体职业生涯指导4方面所进行的个人职业生涯规划,对个人具有显著的指导效果。
  3. Argument: Before you just asked me about my pe Marketing sonal definition of Love, actually you said it and my wasnt that muchedifferent from yours. 辩君:你刚刚问我我对爱的定义是什麽,其实你自己刚刚有讲过:会为爱的人牺牲、但是却不一定会为喜欢的人牺牲。
  4. The hatch cycled open, and four of Palpatines per sonal guards glided out, long robes catching the breeze in silken blood-colored ripples. 舱门旋转而开,帕尔帕廷四名的个人保镖缓缓步出,长长的丝织袍子在微风中荡起了血色的涟漪。
  5. Lightfrost covers the forest -fiery red maple leaves, purplish red, yellow leaves with stringy wild fruits, describing a golden autumn picture as they come to the end of their sea sonal life. 轻霜初降,层林尽染。