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2024-02-10 13:11:16
美[soʊnəns]  英[səʊnəns]
n.  有声状态;声音


  1. The whole nation that this company will begin to pass Sonance company sells a net to sell HDTV videocorder. 该公司将开始通过Sonance公司的全国销售网出售HDTV录像机。
  2. The entire sound system consists of a variety of Elan and Sonance speakers, which are mounted either in-wall, in-ceiling, or outdoors. 屋主说他之所以在家里如此精心安装这些音效系统完全是因为“我们喜欢听音乐!”
  3. Alarm indication signal (AIS) should be progressive response, light first and then sonance follows, the time interval should be 15 secs. 告警信号应逐级相应,先光后声,时间间隔为15秒。
  4. Forms of giving an alarm can be sonance(or voice), color, character and pop-up window for calling attention to make a choice. 告警型式可以有声音(或语音)、颜色、文字及弹出窗口提示选择。
  5. expressing the concepts and understanding the various prospects of the sonance by analyzing the classic films and the sound effects. 藉由解析经典作品及其配乐音效,阐述影片所要呈现的意涵,以瞭解电影声响表现的多元性面向。
  6. 。About doorway Shih,Courtyard inner abruptness reported " Peng Pai " fry sonance," Nien " from head to foot horror,Never again dare forth gather together. 将近门口时,院内突然传来"砰砰啪啪"的炸响声,"年"浑身战栗,再不敢往前凑了。