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2024-02-10 13:12:17
美[soʊnənt]  英[səʊnənt]
adj.  有声音的;声音的;音的
n.  有声音;有声字母


  1. a speech sound accompanied by sound from the vocal cords
  1. produced with vibration of the vocal cords;

    "a frequently voiced opinion" "voiced consonants such as `b and `g and `z"


  1. Making use of the LPC technique , built up a linear prognosticate model in the meantime, examine keynote period of sonant, realized a Chinese language speech synthesis on the base of LPC technology finally. 同时作者利用LPC技术建立了一个线性预测模型,对浊音检测其基音周期,最后实现了基于线性预测(LPC)的汉语语音合成。
  2. Compose of heart relatively sonant bound 心浊音界各部的组成
  3. Normal heart relatively sonant bound 正常心脏相对浊音界
  4. sonant circuit with a ferrite core coil. 声音电路与铁氧体磁芯线圈。
  5. Changes and clinic signification of heart relatively sonant bound 心浊音界改变及临床意义心脏本身因素心外因素
  6. She opens her mouth to speak the darkest sonant in a hush, the flesh of speech 她张开嘴说着缄默中最黑的部,词语的肉体