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2024-02-10 13:25:17
美[sɒŋˌfest]  英[sɒŋˌfest]
n.  民谣歌唱大会


  1. To them, Fei Yuqing, the songfest is more familiar. 对他们来说,费玉清、的歌会更熟悉。
  2. SUN is the music ambassador for 2008 Beijing Olympic Songfest! 视频描述:耀珊是的校园音乐大使!
  3. The Third-Month Songfest is one of the music-loving Zhuangs most important festivals. 三月歌墟(歌婆节)是酷爱音乐的壮族人民的最重要的节日之一。
  4. Greece wrapped up the homecoming Olympics on Sunday night with an extravagant songfest at the main stadium for more than 100,000 people, including athletes and volunteers. 星期天晚上,在奥林匹克故乡希腊举办的奥运会在盛大的民谣演唱中拉下帷幕。闭幕式在奥林匹克主馆举办,参加者有10万人,包括运动员和志愿者。
  5. Greece wrapped up the homecoming Olympics on Sunday night with an extravagant songfest at the main stadium for more than100,000 people, including athletes and volunteers. 星期天晚上,在奥林匹克故乡希腊举办的奥运会在盛大的民谣演唱中拉下帷幕。闭幕式在奥林匹克主馆举办,参加者有10万人,包括运动员和志愿者。
  6. Its third wealth newspaper achievement is higher than the analyst to forecast that specially these thought the valley songfest becomes the economic recession sacrificial victims peoples guess. 其第三财报业绩高于分析师预测,特别是那些认为谷歌会成为经济衰退的牺牲品的人们的猜测。