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2024-02-10 13:50:17
美[sɒnoʊkemɪkəl]  英[sɒnəʊkemɪkəl]
adj.  声化学的;由声化学现象产生的


  1. The sonochemical degradation of methyl orange was studied use a 40kHz and 50 - 100W ultrasound device . 采用频率为40kHz,功率为50-100W的超声波发生器,对偶氮染料甲基橙进行降解。
  2. It was found that the sonochemical yield is linearly related to sound intensity and irradiation time. 但是,直到目前,人们对空化泡数量与声化学产额之间定量关系的描述还很缺乏。
  3. Sonochemical on-line synthesis and characterization of WO3/polystyrene nanocomposite[J]. 引用该论文 付志兵;邱龙会;刘德斌;余斌.
  4. Sonochemistry can be used both in synthesize and degradation of chemical compounds.The principal and applications of sonochemical reactions... 本文介绍了超声化学的基本原理及其在有机合成、治理难生物降解有毒有机污染物方面的应用。
  5. The mechanism of sonochemical actions were discussed in view of mechanical fluctuation and cavitation effect of ultrasound. 并从超声的机械振动效应、声空化效应等方面分析了声化学的作用机理。
  6. It is concluded that reaction temperature,sonochemical time and stabile agent affect the growth of nanopalladium particles. 以可溶性钯盐为钯源,利用超声化学法,在一定浓度的稳定剂存在条件下,制备形貌为颗粒的纳米钯。