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2024-02-10 14:10:17
美  英
n.  桑娅(女子名;Sophia的异体)


  1. Sonyas disguise was the best of all. 索尼娅打扮得比谁都漂亮。
  2. One was from his mother, the other from Sonya. 一封是母亲的,一封是索尼娅的。
  3. Sonya burst into sobs and ran out of the room. 索尼娅抽噎着痛哭起来,从房间里跑出去了。
  4. Gavin and Sonya are spending a day at a spa. 事实上,我整天都坐在桌子前面。我是个会计。
  5. Sonya sighed and shook her head distrustfully. 索尼娅叹了一口气,不信任地摇摇头。
  6. Natasha avoided Sonya and did not speak to her again. 娜塔莎不再和索尼娅说话,避开她了。