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2024-02-10 14:15:17
美[suːk]  英[suːk]
n.  胆小鬼;露天市场


  1. What does "Operation Sook Ching" refer to? “肃清行动”是什么?
  2. Kim Tae Sook is bacically a drive player. 金泽洙是以中远台攻球为主。
  3. Sook sook villages in the village of the township government. 淑村镇镇政府驻淑村。
  4. This is the clock back to return to the ancient Confucian Sook it? 这是时光倒流回到了古代儒塾吗?
  5. In Sook, a result of Li talented and valued by Mr.Xiao Lao.Mr. 在塾,因李兰才华横溢,深受肖老先生器重。
  6. Park Ryu Sook Gallery was founded by Ryu-Sook Park in 1983 in Seoul. 1983年朴丽淑在韩国首尔创立朴丽淑画廊。