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2024-02-10 14:29:17
美[sʊtaɪnəs]  英[sʊtaɪnəs]
n.  烟熏


  1. the state of being dirty with soot


  1. Come so, beautiful and dazzling sootiness makeup was born. 如此一来,漂亮刺眼的烟熏妆就诞生了。
  2. Key: If rough ground is spilled like the picture gives light sootiness sense. 重点:粗略地如泼开似的画出淡淡烟熏感。
  3. Must notice when drawing small sootiness administrative levels feels, lest turn panda into the eye. 在画小烟熏的时候一定要注意层次感,以免变成熊猫眼。
  4. The tooth was fizzled out by sweet sootiness, can be done to the hospital blanch an operation, how many money to want? 牙齿被香烟熏黄了,可以到医院去做漂白手术吗,要多少钱呀?
  5. Of course, if you go out in the evening, sootiness effect suits the girl that any hope eyes look big. 当然,要是你晚上出门,烟熏效果是适合任何希望眼睛看起来大的女孩的。
  6. Very grave large area sootiness eye makeup is apply colours to a drawing the key that elegant cruel feels. 不再强调肌肤的通透感,取而代之的是丝绒般的哑光质地。哑光粉底丝滑不厚重,是打造奢华复古底妆的关键。