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2024-02-10 14:35:17
美[sɒfɪzəm]  英[sɒfɪzəm]
n.  诡辩


  1. a deliberately invalid argument displaying ingenuity in reasoning in the hope of deceiving someone


  1. After all, dialectic is very close to the sophism. 思辨与诡辩,只有一步之遥。
  2. "Thats a beautiful sophism" said the girl with a smile more beautiful still. “那是一种美丽的诡辩,”女孩子说,露出了更加美好的笑容。
  3. Dialectical reasoning needs the "supervision" of analytical reasoning, otherwise it will lead to sophism. 辩证理性需要分析理性的“监督”,否则就会沦为诡辩。
  4. Dialectical reasoning needs the "supervision" of analytical reasoning,otherwise it will lead to sophism. 辩证理性需要分析理性的“监督”,否则就会沦为诡辩。
  5. Lastly, the dissertation pays more attention to the relation between the dialectic and the sophism. 呼吁国民重视逻辑、学习逻辑以提高民族素质。
  6. Last but not least, this statement zeroed in on the Chinese government and its farfetched sophism is actually another attack on the Chinese people. 最后,贵台的声明把矛头转向中国政府,这样牵强的强辩实际上是对中华民族的二度伤害!